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insights by Lee and Derek Baston

Walking 474km in the name of Cancer Research #vicparklife


Jane and Erin’s Walk for A Cure

In late September 2013 two extremely special and determined ladies set off to walk the whole length of Albany Highway to raise money for cancer research.  Jane Broadhead and Erin O’Rourke have so far raised a fantastic $33,860 and have completed 184km of the journey starting in Albany. In total they will walk an average 35km a day for two weeks!

Victoria Park prides itself on its sense of community and this is a great opportunity for us to come together and support Jane and Erin by cheering them on as they take their final steps on their 474km journey down our end of Albany Highway.

At this stage Jane and Erin should be walking the Victoria Park Café/Restaurant Strip on Saturday October 12th, the time is still to be determined but we’ll keep you posted.

I encourage you to look at the following web pages for more information on ‘Jane and Erin’s Walk for a Cure’ including up to date details of when they will be in Victoria Park.



Jane and Erin have walked from Albany to raise money for cancer research, all I’m asking is for you walk down the road!
See you on the strip.

Brett Tasker


White picket fences and backyards with mulberry trees. Apartments and town houses and villas and everything in-between. It’s got a bit of everything.

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