Baston and Co Property Victoria Park WA Logo
Picture of #vicparklife


White picket fences and backyards with mulberry trees. Apartments and town houses and villas and everything in-between. It's got a bit of everything.

A Library Of Things

The Vic Park Collective have done it again!

Communities need people and ideas that make a difference.
And this idea is a cracker!

Have you ever wanted to tackle a small project, but realised that to go and buy an electric drill (or planer, or leaf blower, sewing machine, or router etc) for one job was as expensive, as it was wasteful?
Sure you could borrow it from a mate…if you have a mate with the right tool for the job.

Self described, The Collective Shed is Vic Park’s own Library of Things.
A place to borrow the tools, gear and equipment that you’d love to use but don’t need to own.

This phenomenal grassroots project is well and truly alive.
With a bunch of super humans at the helm and incredible local support.

Baston and Co. has put its shoulder to the wheel and donated a lump of hard earned, becoming a Founding Sponsor for this awesome initiative.

It was a perfect fit for us.
Renovators need tools and we sell old houses by the boatload!
But more importantly the people organising this had integrity and a great track record of delivering to their community.

We can’t thank those other businesses and individuals enough who have also lent their financial and in-kind support with over $40,000 raised by this amazing community!

If you would like to get behind this project or even just become a member to take advantage of the service that will be provided click HERE.

This is probably a good time to mention the VOLUNTEER committee – Brooke Fowles, Jethro Sercombe, Dave Lindner, Leandro Stewart Usher, Renee Parnell, Emma Whettingsteel, Gerry Prewett, Amanda Morcom, Steph Costa and Lara Radhika.
Communities live and breathe because of people like you!

The Collective Shed is a project of the Vic Park Collective.


Phone: 0401 904 250

Facebook: /VicParkCollective

Snail Mail: PO Box 4307, Victoria Park 6979

Derek Baston
0417 99 23 24
RatemyAgent 2023 Agent of the Year Victoria Park

Vic Park Life

White picket fences and backyards with mulberry trees. Apartments and town houses and villas and everything in-between. It’s got a bit of everything.

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