Baston and Co Property Victoria Park WA Logo
Picture of #vicparklife


White picket fences and backyards with mulberry trees. Apartments and town houses and villas and everything in-between. It's got a bit of everything.

You have served me well back row…many kms done both at home and along foreign paths. Many of life’s problems solved and loads of laughs had whilst sharing the journey with good buddies.
Enjoy your retirement…I am yet to run my sub 4 marathon and sub 1.45 half…the peeps in the front row have their work cut out for them in 2017/2018.
RIP #shoesarecheaperthantherapy #sharesintrc @therunningcentre

Vic Park Life

White picket fences and backyards with mulberry trees. Apartments and town houses and villas and everything in-between. It’s got a bit of everything.

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